The State of Chicago Veterans

by Megan Everett, Director, Veterans Program

Last August, the Robert R. McCormick Foundation, in partnership with Loyola University Chicago School of Social Work and the University of Southern California Center for Innovation and Research on Military Families (CIR), commissioned a study, the Chicagoland Veterans Study. This comprehensive study is intended to survey more than 2,000 veterans in Cook, Will, Lake and DuPage Counties to examine the needs of veterans living in Chicagoland area, and identify gaps and opportunities for program and service development. A range of issues are being surveyed including housing, employment, barriers to care, physical and mental health, and transition from the service to civilian life.

In 2013, CIR first conducted this comprehensive study in Los Angeles County. You can find the results of the study here.

Veterans can still participate in the Chicagoland Veterans Study. Once completed, participants will receive a $15 gift card. A comprehensive data analysis and findings from the study will be released in May 2016. Our hope is the valuable data gained from this study will allow government and community organizations across the four Chicagoland area counties to better understand the needs of veterans and their family members.

For more information on the Chicagoland Veterans Survey contact Mariceli Serrano.


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